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mise en ligne: vendredi 22 septembre 2006

Flying Practical Handbook

Jean Zilio




The consecration for an author is to see his name becoming more famous than his books. When his name is familiar to everybody and merely common, he reaches a kind of crowned achievement. It is the case for Jean Zilio. He is an instructor pilot with a large flying experience and a real talent to transmit it while teaching all his pupils, professional pilots or only private ones.

The different documents, he created for his lessons, are gathered in this Flying Practicle Handbook reaching its eighth edition. Several generations of pilots using it during their training had participated to its real success.

Why such an interest for this Zilio ?
Because this handbook is less theoretical than the other official ones, and gives many practical advices for correct flying. Thematic cards explain clearly the basic control manoeuvres and the best methods to find the safest air trajectories. They are clearly illustrated with drawings and graphics of the author, a good way to show how to get progressively a full pilot’s skill and ability.

Obviously, this handbook is useful for the beginners and student pilots but offers also good information and refreshments to more trained, and it is very easy to use from 0 to 25 000 flying hours logged.

Frédéric Marsaly / Translation : Richard Feeser

280 pages, 8"1/2x11" (210x297 mm)
40 photos
532 pictures
31 descriptive charts
A plastic plotter include to estimate flight time and ground speed according to the wind



Flying Practical Handbook

Jean Zilio

Éditions Vario

ISBN : 2913663044

53,20 €

Éditeur et auteur

Coordonnées de l'éditeur :
- Vario

Autres ouvrages du même éditeur
- Chasseurs du ciel
- Chroniques aéronautiques
- Chroniques Aéronautiques II
- Des histoires dans l’air
- Gardien du ciel
- Guide pratique de la navigation à vue
- Le dernier ennemi
- Le dernier vol de John Takeguchi
- Lysander
- Mieux comprendre… le transport aérien
- Nous atterrissions de nuit
- Rafale en Afghanistan

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À ce jour dans l'Aérobibliothèque : 4872 publications.

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Responsable légal : Philippe Ballarini
Rédacteur en chef : Frédéric Marsaly
Responsable département périodiques : Laurent Rastel

Collaborateurs (permanents ou épisodiques) :

E. Ballarini, Ph. Bauduin, H. Bernard, R. Biaux, Ph. Boulay, F. Brignoli, Th. Couderc, R. Feeser, R. Françon, P-C. Got, H. Guyot, B. Hugot, T. Larribau, J. Leclercq, Th. Le Roy

D. Liron, Ph. Listemann, F. Marsaly, P-F. Mary, Th. Matra, F. Mée, C. Micelli, B. Palmieri, F. Ribailly, Ph. Ricco, G-D. Rohrbacher, J. Schreiber, J-N. Violette, G. Warrener
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