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T-6G, 51-14495 ou 51-14995 ? - Aéroforums

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T-6G, 51-14495 ou 51-14995 ?

de Benno Goethals (23/06/2023 16:24:19)


Question T-6G.

Both 51-14495 and 51-14995 have been reported as having
served with the French Air Force.

In my records I have 14495 (unknown timeframe, received
prior 1956?), once coded "UL"

In my records I have 14995 (serving till July 1957) and
having crashed 1957/07/09 Ksar Sbai while in service with
EALA 12/72 as F-UJVC

There's sources though that 14995 became 1724 (or 1713?) in
the Portuguese Air Force. However I do have 14495 having
ended up as 1724.

What's correct?



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