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mise en ligne: dimanche 15 août 2021

French Secret Projects [3]
French and European Spaceplane Designs
1964 1994

Jean-Christophe Carbonel




In 1963, Eugen Sänger, became head of the Eurospace organisation which promoted the ‘AeroSpace Transporter’. In response to a Eurospace call, aircraft makers in France, Germany and UK designed recoverable, winged spacecraft. From 1964 to 1970 the French government led studies to evaluate the feasibility of the concept.

Those studies, under the leadership of the French Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), coalesced into the Hermes spaceplane which was then adopted by the European Space Agency. In parallel, Germany and UK proposed fully recoverable designs while other countries, including Japan, India and Russia came to CNES to share ideas about spaceplane design. Unfortunately Hermes was never launched and by 1994 was abandoned after many alternative propositions were discussed.

This book relates the story of these remarkable concepts, crossovers between aircraft and spacecraft beginning with the ‘antipodal bomber’ of 1944 and continuing to Aerospatiale STS-2000 project through the Transporteur Aero-Spatial, VERAS, AW Pyramid, Bumerang, Sänger II, HOTOL, Hermes, and Taranis. Non-European projects like Dyna-Soar, Hyperplane, HOPE, and MAKS are also be covered. It provides a fascinating and detailed account of these projects which, being half-way between aircraft and spacecraft, have hitherto often been therefore often neglected by aviation writers and historians.

Publisher’s communique

256 pages, 21,6 x 29 cm, relié
Over 450 photographs
In English

- French Secret Projects #1
- French Secret Projects #2
- French Secret Projects #3

Lecteur : Philippe Ricco



French Secret Projects [3]
French and European Spaceplane Designs
1964 1994

Jean-Christophe Carbonel

Crécy Publishing

ISBN 9781910809914


Éditeur et auteur

Coordonnées de l'éditeur :
- Crecy Publishing Ltd

Autres ouvrages du même éditeur
- Building Concorde
- French Secret Projects [1]
- French Secret Projects [2]

Autres ouvrages de J-Ch. Carbonel
- 1967-2000 Les maquettes ESCI
- 1973-2000 Les maquettes Matchbox
- Air&Cosmos Histoire
Les prototypes français [5]

- Building Concorde
- French Secret Projects [1]
- French Secret Projects [2]
- Heinkel He 274 et Junkers Ju 488
- Helicopters of the Third Reich
- Heller, la maquette à la française
- La gamme Heller-Musée 1964-2010
- La SNECMA, von Zborowski et le Coléoptère
- Le Trident
- Les maquettes Revell Tome 1
- Short SC.1

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Responsable légal : Philippe Ballarini
Rédacteur en chef : Frédéric Marsaly
Responsable département périodiques : Laurent Rastel

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E. Ballarini, Ph. Bauduin, H. Bernard, R. Biaux, Ph. Boulay, F. Brignoli, Th. Couderc, R. Feeser, R. Françon, P-C. Got, H. Guyot, B. Hugot, T. Larribau, J. Leclercq, Th. Le Roy

D. Liron, Ph. Listemann, F. Marsaly, P-F. Mary, Th. Matra, F. Mée, C. Micelli, B. Palmieri, F. Ribailly, Ph. Ricco, G-D. Rohrbacher, J. Schreiber, J-N. Violette, G. Warrener
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